The Children of the Forest by Alan L. Simons

A fictional embellishment for adults and older children.

Now adapted for the stage.

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“Complex and Confounding!

ISBN 9780987750396



The Children of the Forest. A fictional embellishment. A folktale in the European tradition. Mystical. Kabbalistic. Esoteric. Klezmerising. Freygish. The content is loosely based on a story by Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav (1772-1810).

Mystical. Kabbalistic. Esoteric. Klezmerising. Freygish.

The story commences in the year 1941 by weaving around the lives of its two primary characters, Zusa, who is ten, and Motke, who is nine. They are two Polish Jewish-born children, who, one night, each lost both of their parents in a massive storm. During the ensuing years, they begin a lasting relationship.

Zusa, along with her friend Motke, encounter five complex and confounding Klezmorim characters, living with disabilities. The characters balance each other’s strengths and weaknesses to form, as it were, one single, dynamic, and powerful voice.

The focus of the story also brings history to life for children and increases their knowledge in the field of social sciences promoting the development of social-emotional skills such as empathy and sensitivity.

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Copyright © Alan L. Simons 2021